Online Courses for Learning Skills

Online learning  (or elearning) is constantly growing, with courses on a wide variety of topics available at many websites. Some universities provide free courses on academic subjects. Check the list on the Smart Skills page and more at this Pinterest board.

Courses can vary widely in the content presented and the media they are presented in. So what defines a course?


  1. program of study: a program of study or training, especially one that leads to a degree or certificate from an educational institution
  2. class taught at educational institution: a session or series of sessions that students attend to learn a subject, often as part of a school curriculum that leads to a degree or certificate


Whether you are consuming or creating online learning, consider the meat and the sizzle!

The meat…WHAT will be learned? What are the measurable learning objectives?  Course design choices for methods, media, and learner experience are based on the cognitive domain revealed by the measurable verbs in the objectives.

Content: what information is included? Is it logically organized with a beginning, middle & end and presented in small chunks? Does the Introduction explain the benefits of learning, and immediately grab attention? Does it appeal to different Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, Tactile/kinesthetic)

The sizzle…HOW will it be learned?

In course design, the goal of all choices for methods, media, and engagement is to add clarity and interest:

  • Methods– Lecture, reading, demonstration, activities, exercises, projects, assignments
  • Media– Handouts, text, presentation, visuals, audio, video

Gamification Pinterest Board | Learn about Gamification with a course at


The best courses provide an engaging learner experience with relevant quotes, examples, stories, humor, discussion, questions, interaction, practice, feedback, role playing, case studies, scenarios, simulations, gamification…

Take a look at these highly interactive learning activities:

WHAT will be the outcomes? How will results be measured? How many learners actually complete the course, and did the course really teach what it set out to? Tests, surveys…

Courses on Course Design

Examples of outstanding elearning:

Free Downloads:


Course Outline Template (doc)

Methods, Media, Engagement and Tools Card (pdf)

I seek to create order from the chaos of complex information. Join me at the Daily PlanIt to gain insights, inspiration, and information to increase skills for a better life. I unlock the power of teaching reading with phonics in the pursuit of literacy at In my spare time I explore books and movies, often choosing titles available on both screen and page.

Posted in work skills

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